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Upcoming Events

1st International Conference on Macroeconomic Implications of Intra-Household Decision Making

December 11-12, 2024, Goethe University Frankfurt

The work presented at this conference will cover research that advances the understanding of the role of decision making in multi-person households for the macroeconomy and for the distributions of income, consumption and wealth in the following areas:
• Household formation, marriage and fertility
• Human capital and income dynamics over the lifecycle
• Labor market dynamics and wage inequality
• Household savings and housing
• Wealth and income inequality


For questions, please send an e-mail to Christine Nieraad (

Past Events

October, 6 2023: Frankfurt-Mannheim Macro Workshop

The Frankfurt-Mannheim Macro Workshop brings together researchers in quantitative macroeconomics from Goethe University in Frankfurt, the University of Mannheim, and other institutions in the region. One distinguishing feature of this workshop is its focus on presentations by junior scholars, which are then discussed by established researchers. This year, the workshop was sponsored by the MIIHD unit, and it had a special emphasis on family economics. The presentations covered various topics, including the role of protective labor laws for women, differential labor outcomes for singles and couples in equilibrium, household consumption and insurance in the context of health shocks, and the impact of cash transfers on fertility.

Here you find the link to the program and to the group photo.